Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's in a Name?

I'm curious.

What does your name mean?

Have you ever thought about that?

I recently remembered the meaning of my name. It is April (Open). My middle name is Dawn (makes me think of the beginning of a new day). I am "open" to a "new day". That is what I hope to be always. Open to hope. Open to God. Open to new possibilities. Open to live life instead of hiding away in the shadows. I want to come out into the light. To enjoy the new beginning with each change that comes in my life because I know that God is beginning something in me.

We are given many names in this world. From the time we are born it seems, we are labeled by others.

If you could pick a few of the labels that have really "stuck", what would they be?

Do they build you up?

Do they tear you down?

What do you call yourself?

I don't know the answers to these questions, but God does. What he calls you is the ONLY thing THAT matters.

I am reading through the book of John and blogging as I go. I want to invite you along on this journey. Pop in from time to time or stop in and visit often. Share comments and questions, so we can enjoy each other as we go. I am not a theologian nor do I claim to be. I just want to know God's word in a way that changes me. I pray the same for you as well.

Some thoughts from part of John 1:

Simon went off to follow Jesus. He was curious. His brother, Andrew, had come and said, "You have got to see this! The messiah is here!" Now here he was following, wondering. He had waited all his life to see the king, generations before him had also waited, now here he was!
What is the first thing Jesus said to Simon? "You are Simon, son of John, you will be called Cephas. (when translated, Peter)" John 1:41

No, hey Simon, how you doing?

No, yes I am the one you have been waiting for.

Jesus changed his name.

Instead he looked Simon in the eye and basically said, "you are no longer the person you were before". Simon meant "God has heard". Peter means "Rock". I am finding that each day as I become more open to God, I am no longer the person I was before. I am changing. I CAN NOT read his word. I CAN NOT seek him with a sincere heart and remain unchanged.

So friends, now it is your turn!

What does your name mean?

If you have children, what do their names mean?

Why did you choose your child's name?

*Optional challenge: Look up a name change or two in the bible and share them with us or look up the meaning of a name.

feel free to share whatever you would like as you read this

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