Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I wonder

I wonder...when I ride in the passenger seat on a road trip...I see faces...they pass me in a blur as they drive their cars down the road. Where are they headed? Where have they come from? What is their story? I don't know why this seems important to me. It just is. Everyone has a story to tell. Every story is important. We need to hear each others stories. They have much to teach us. We have a lot to learn. Instead we just pass each other as we run through busy days becoming blurs in the peripheral vision of others. I need to know your story. You need to know mine. We need to feel connected. To know we aren't alone. So why do we never stop, never take the time to share?
I wonder...Do I know where I am going? Should I be in the passenger seat or do I need to drive to get to the next destination? Where have I come from? Am I driving with a purpose or just enjoying the scenery to a road unknown?
I wonder...as I look at the sky stretched across a looming canvas above me in my car. I wonder if God sets his palette out, sits cross legged and paints with specific pride as the sun sets and the moon begins its journey.
I wonder...if He thinks of me as he paints. If He thinks of how He knit me together in my mother's womb and smile. Does He ever paint just for me. Just so I can enjoy Him.
I wonder...does He love me that much?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mommy Merit Badges

I love being a stay at home mom. I love the time I get with my kids and making my home a place that everyone can enjoy. Well, I feel that way on most days. There are days where I longlingly look over the other side of the fence where the grass seems greener. A place where moms are dressed in professional clothing. They look so put together in their cute blouses and skirts and their stylish high heels. What place does that kind of dress up get in my world? It has no practical use for wiping noses, doing dishes, cleaning messes, playing with the kids, and going to the grocery store. I secretly long to be a fashionista, but find that most of my energy, time, and money seems to go to my family's needs. The day will come when I can throw more energy into that area, but for now, I will enjoy my comfy clothes and my excuses for wearing them. As I peer over the other side of the fence, I notice something else. These women are getting credit for the job they do. They are at times given raises and other acknowledgements. Sometimes as a stay at home mom, I need something to remind me of the valuable role that I play. So while I have been daydreaming of greener pastures, I have developed a "Mommy Merit Badge" system. Much like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Moms could earn their badges in various categories. These categories would include, but not be limited to:

The Chuck E Badge: This badge is given to honor those brave mothers who have gone to Chuck E Cheese on a Saturday, any day during the summer, or for a birthday party.

The Nursing Badge: This badge is earned by enduring sleepless nights, cleaning during the stomach flu, bandaging boo-boos, comforting the afflicted, and taking care of everyone else before you come down with the dreaded "bug".

The Terrible Two Badge: This deserves a badge, enough said!

The Soccer Mom Badge: This badge is earned by signing your child up for any sport, then attending games during heat, wind and rain only to hear them whine about having to go to another practice.

The Car Trip Badge: Earned by listening t0 "When do we get there?" 5, 10, 15 25, 40, 50..... minutes into the trip, listening to someone say "Mom, I gotta go!" five minutes after your last stop, and by saying the infamous "Don't make me come back there!"

The "What Have You Been Doing All Day?" Badge: This badged is earned when your husband asks you what you have been doing all day and you stay calm, cool, and collected when answering instead of getting angry. After all, you know you are tired but you can't rteally remember what you did all day either. You just know it was ALOT!

I love the idea of Mommy Merit Badges, but I think I would trade all of them for a day at the spa! :)

Please comment and tell me what merit badge you think you should get!