Friday, January 7, 2011

Fridge Friends

John 2:1-12
Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding. There is no doubt that Jesus from the moment he was born had his face set toward the cross. He knew why he had come. He knew had a short time on earth, yet he took the time to enjoy people. I imagine him laughing and visiting with friends. I read something by Max Lucado years ago that talked about this. He enjoyed people, they enjoyed him.

Community is important! We have many goals and purposes in our life, but what do they really mean if we don't take time to form relationships and enjoy friendships along the way. I heard someone say recently that Americans today have a great lack of "refrigerator friends".

Can you say that you know some friends well enough that you could walk into their homes, open up the fridge and get something out?

Those people are your "fridge friends"!

We need friends like that. Why? Fridge friends become people we love and trust. We can share our hearts with them. They will laugh with you when you need a good laugh and cry with you when you need a good cry. We weren't meant to just curl up inside our homes or to run around caught up in busy routines, we are built for more.

Jesus enjoyed celebrating with others. He also wept with friends when a dear friend of his died. We are meant to go through life together.

So what do you do if you don't have these kinds of relationships?

1) Begin with prayer. (when people had a need at the wedding they went straight to Jesus) Ask God to give you the kind of friendships that will benefit you and draw you closer to him.

2) Be discerning. Not everyone gets the right to be your fridge friend! You will become most like the people you spend time with. Ask yourself: Is this person trustworthy? Does this person love God? How does this person talk about others?

Please develop us into the the kind of people who will be great fridge friends to others. Guide us in our friendships. Teach us how to be friends to others and help us to be discerning and wise in our friendships. Help us to love at the right time, in the right way, with the right person. Thank you being our friend Jesus. Help to know you so well that you are invited into every part of our home. Amen

Let's celebrate friendship today! Comment and tell us:

The names of a friend or two and what you love about them.

It's a love fest people!!


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